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Topic for ADINET Librarian's Day 2010 should be:

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ADINET Librarians' Day 2009 in Media

ADINET Librarians' Day 2009 in Media

Friday, September 26, 2008

Librarians' Dilemma

In our last posting we had an opinion poll asking to vote for a desired topic for Librarians' Day 2009. After more than 200 visits to this blog, there are only negligible votes to count. Don't know why? Does anyone know?
There could be many reasons:
-we are not serious about this
-we are very busy
-it does not matter to us
-we don't really care
-fear of getting noticed
-let them (ADINET) decide
-still there is a lot of time for this
-why should I vote
OR it could be anything. So, let us not discuss this anymore now, time will come and thing will be decided and we will have another successful Librarians' Day.

Now, let us rewind our thoughts to Librarians' Day 2008. The following were the recommendations and resolutions:-

-In the current era, Librarians have to reorient themselves. They should think creatively and embrace new technology to generate services and resources where their skills of structuring and organizing resources (especially Open Access Resources) are put to the best use.

-Explore the possibility of even small and new libraries in providing new services and making existing services available in new and interesting ways by using more ICT, since a lot of material is available in the digitized form.

-Use more specialized search engines (scholarly and meta search engines) that help to search even the contents of Deep Web, that are a rich wealth of information and available mostly free of cost.

-With collaborative and cooperative efforts, more sharing of bibliographic records amongst the librarians would reduce the duplication and workload. ‘COPY CATALOGUING’ facility will help to provide standardized Bibliographic Control.

-Information is a source of instant power as it facilitates decision-making, problem solving and action taking. In this world of ICT, Information Literacy (IL) is not only about the training in ICT but it is the ability to make effective use of information.

-Traditional LIS education should be supplemented with e-learning and LIS staff should be provided with short term training programs on ‘Library service marketing strategies’ and ‘development of soft skill’ (better communication and behavioral patterns etc.)

One who makes a resolution and then makes sincere efforts to realize his dreams, nothing stops him from realizing his goal.” - Rig Veda

How true is this saying, we have made these (above mentioned) resolutions, if we make sincere efforts (collectively) to realize these resolutions, nothing can stop us to achieve our goals.


Unknown said...

There's no question that the Big Deal offers desirable short-term benefits, including expanded information access for the library's licensed users. In the longer run, these contracts will weaken the power of librarians and consumers to influence scholarly communication systems in the future. Librarians will lose the opportunity to shape the content or quality of journal literature through the selection process. Those who follow us will face the all-or-nothing choice of paying whatever publishers want or giving up an indispensable resource. The largest publishers will not only have greater market power to dictate prices. They will also have more control over contractual terms and conditions -- including the ability to "disintermediate" other players in the economic chain.London Escortsfacebook sex

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