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ADINET Librarians' Day 2009 in Media

ADINET Librarians' Day 2009 in Media

Monday, June 22, 2009

Enthusiastic Librarians in In-Service Training

ADINET & INFLIBNET conducted In-Service Training for Library Professionals on June 20, 2009. The Theme of Module 1 was "IT Skills Enhancement" and it covered the following Topics:
1. Internet/Web Fundamentals by Ms. Nishtha Anilkumar
2. Search Engines and Strategic Web Searching by Mr. Saroj Das
3. Database creation for Libraries based on Standards by Mr. Yatrik Patel
4. Blog Creation by Mr. Saroj Das
5. Free E-Resources on the Internet by Ms. Nishtha Anilkumar

More that 30 enthusiastic working library professionals from across the Gujarat State participated in the program.

Mrs. R. Bharucha, Director ADINET, briefed about the program and introduced the Chief Guest Dr. J. Arora, Director INFLIBNET.

Dr. J. Arora, Director INFLIBNET give an Introduction to the Program

Ms. Nishtha Anilkumar, PRL Ahmedabad, gave her presentation on Internet fundamentals. She gave some historical aspects of the Internet and the present scenario.

Mr. Saroj Das, IPR Gandhinagar, gave his presentation on Search Engines and Strategic Searching on the Web. He spoke about the various search engines and strategic searching techniques. He also spoke on importance of evaluation of web information.

Mr. Yatrik Patel, INFLIBNET Ahmedabad, gave his presentation on Database creation for Libraries based on Standards. He spoke about the importance of Standards and various standards available for database creation.

Mr. Saroj Das gave his presentation on Weblogs, he spoke about Blogs, its creation, importance, downsides and how libraries can use and benefit from blogs.

Ms. Nishtha Anilkumar gave her presentation on Free E-Resources, she listed out some very interesting free e-resources , especially those she is using in her day-to-day library activities.

Practical Session was conducted for the participants. They got Hands-on experience on Creating Blogs, Using Search Engines and Accessing free E-Resources. There was a quiz conducted during the practical session.

And finally, the certificates were distributed.

View Program Album; Quizzee:How about taking it?

And the Winners of the Quiz were:

Those who participated may please give your feedback/comment (frankly) on the program.